Thursday, November 15, 2007


If you saw General Hospital today, then you probably are just as in shock as I am! Jason: " what happen, who did this?" Screaming at Nikolas. Nikolas in a state of shock holding Emily replies:" She's just resting right now." Jason trying to convince Nikolas to let him help Emily, but Nikolas refuses to let her go. Everyone could see that Nikolas is in a traumatized-shocking state. Elizabeth had to sedate him in order for him to let go of Emily. The news is too much for people to bear...Emily is dead. She was strangled! Sonny:" she's dead, I am so sorry, Emily was not supposed to get caught up in the middle of this." Jason thinks that Zacchora had something to do with it, but you could see Nikolas having nightmares about strangling Emily. Somebody has to get rid of Zacchora real soon. The difference between him and Sonny is that Sonny does not hurt the people that are close to him. Sonny:" I love what I do, this is who I am, I protect those around me, the people who I care about." I believe that Zacchora is the one to blame for Emily's death. He is the catalyst that created such a dangerous environment full of chaos!

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