Friday, November 30, 2007


Words can not describe the emotions that overwhelms me and every other General Hospital fan when an episode portrays something close to our lives. On today's episode, Nikolas is the only one who could see and feel Emily's presence. People that are close to him express concern like Alexis: " You have a son who needs you, you can't be alone." Nikolas explains that he his not alone. In other words, think of your son Nikolas! Another son who needs his dad is little Michael. Sonny expressed just how in shock he was to hear Michael know what he does: " aren't you getting revenge on Emily's death, isn't that what you do, it torn my heart out, you don't want your kid to pay the price for something you did." Jason went to see Elizabeth because as a father as well, he wants to figure out what happens next for Jake. Then Lucky shows up: " we need to talk about Jake." The message, think of your children first.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


I would like to share my favorite All My Children quote of the day with you...Erica's show, New Beginnings, really touched my heart today because it talks about creative therapy. Erica had a woman on her show that said that she lost her family in a fire and the only thing that helped her get through her painful ordeal was her creative paintings. Erica contributes her creative writing for saving her life: " my writing saved me from being on pain killers, creativity is an escape." As an All My Children's fan, I agree with Erica because my creativity has helped me get by day to day.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I don't know about you, but today's episode left me in serious tears! Monica's furious tone of voice expressed just how angry she was at Sonny for Emily's death:" you are an evil selfish man Sonny, I hope your enemies destroy your life like you destroyed my family's life." Sonny does take the blame for Emily's death: "If anybody did to my kids, what I did to Monica's kids, I would kill them." Emily's funeral was too painful to watch because we all know that these things happen in real life, and it is even more painful if it is someone that is dear to us. At the funeral, Elizabeth said that Emily's friendship was a gift. Emily's loving and caring personality towards everyone was an amazing gift. I will miss Emily's character.

Friday, November 16, 2007


All My Children...I know that it is only a soap opera, but it is difficult not to feel the character's pain. Why can't two people that are in love just be happy? Why did Zach need to be in an accident? There is always a meaning behind the story that teaches us certain things about life, that is why we watch soap operas. We pray for Zach to be okay...and with Greenlee helping Zach find a safe place, lets hope that they both be okay! Kendall expressing her feelings about Greenlee to Erica: " we were very close." Erica looking at kendall with disbelief. Erica: "feeling sorry for Greenlee is a major turn around." Kendall showing sincere understanding for the way that Greenlee acts sometimes, after all they were very close. Kendall: "people have to have a need, a reason to wake up something to live for, have friends and a family, that's all she wants." Kendall's remorse for having Greenlee arrested was obvious to Erica, but Erica felt that Kendall was just protecting her family:" you were just protecting your family." Kendall: "no, the way I got Greenlee arrested was all wrong, it was too extreme."


I only got one thing to say...General Hospital! Today's episode was just something else! It was so sad and painful to see Nikolas grieving over Emily as he held her in his arms crying: "please speak to me, I did this to her, I loved you so much." Then, I could not bear to see Nikola grab a gun and point it at himself: " It does not work without you Emily." But the drama does not stop there. The "freak" Zacchora kidnaps Kate and head's it out with Sonny:" she is innocent." Zacchora lets Kate run out of the room and calls Sonny a glorified pimp! Sonny: " you go around killing civilians, the difference here is, you failed I won't." Zacchora raises his gun to shoot Sonny. Sonny: "you're gonna shoot me, then shoot." I wish that Sonny did not say that. Zacchora shoots him on the shoulder. It gets even scarier towards the end of the episode. Zacchora has Jason and Elizabeth both on a ledge as he is holding a gun to them saying:"fly or die!"

Thursday, November 15, 2007


If you saw General Hospital today, then you probably are just as in shock as I am! Jason: " what happen, who did this?" Screaming at Nikolas. Nikolas in a state of shock holding Emily replies:" She's just resting right now." Jason trying to convince Nikolas to let him help Emily, but Nikolas refuses to let her go. Everyone could see that Nikolas is in a traumatized-shocking state. Elizabeth had to sedate him in order for him to let go of Emily. The news is too much for people to bear...Emily is dead. She was strangled! Sonny:" she's dead, I am so sorry, Emily was not supposed to get caught up in the middle of this." Jason thinks that Zacchora had something to do with it, but you could see Nikolas having nightmares about strangling Emily. Somebody has to get rid of Zacchora real soon. The difference between him and Sonny is that Sonny does not hurt the people that are close to him. Sonny:" I love what I do, this is who I am, I protect those around me, the people who I care about." I believe that Zacchora is the one to blame for Emily's death. He is the catalyst that created such a dangerous environment full of chaos!

Bold and the Beautiful...You know, I feel really bad for Stephanie...she helped her husband build their company an now he is leaving her for a younger woman! It was so painful to see Eric say good bye to Stephanie: "I don't like the man that I am when I am with you." In other words, I am bored and want to explore! Eric needs to realize that it's not just him here, he has a family to think about. Stephanie: " what about me, the children." Yeah Eric, if you need to get your jollies that is one thing, but don't leave your family for it! Because even though his children work with him, they still feel the pain of their mother's despair. Eric: "I am not punishing you, I want to be free, I tried Stephanie and I can't anymore." This is were it gets really sad, Eric: " I will always love you, Stephanie." She grabs him and gives him a strong bold kiss then she starts to cry. But we all know that Stephanie is not going down without a fight...are you ready for this, Stephanie is not allowed to be at the Foster Fashion show! Think again...Donna:" what are you doing here?" Stephanie: " No, what the hell are you doing here! You don't love my husband, you want the fame and the money!" I can't wait to see what happens next..