Wednesday, November 14, 2007


All My Children was on fire today...."He has been terrorizing my family." Ryan pleading to Tom Brennan to give him information on Richie the murderer. Tom was afraid to tell Ryan because he knew what Richie was capable of: "this guy is like some horror flick, if you don't play by Richie's rules he will kill you too." Now, with Ryan knowing this, he still asks Tom to email him! Bad idea! Oh no...are you ready for this, J.R's ex is kissing Richie the murderer! But things get even wackier, Crystal is considering giving Adam another try. Yep! Adam has to accept that Tad will always be part of their lives. Tad has serious concern over this because Adam almost killed Jenny by locking her up: "he can't put his own child first, yet alone mine." It was nice to see Erica be a doting mother to Kendall about Zach: " everything Zach does he does for love." You could see that Kendall is disturbed by the whole Greenlee thing: "he is a good man, I love him more than anything, but...Erica came to Zach's defense:"but nothing, don't let nothing ruin what you have going with Zach, don't let an argument get bigger than your bond, that's when it gets ugly and out of control."

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General Hospital...Emily tries to console Elizabeth: " I knew that Jake was Jason's son, you had your reason why you didn't say the truth to Lucky." You could tell that Elizabeth felt really bad that lucky found out like this: " Lucky feels like I betrayed him." It was about time that Lucky knew the truth. You could see that Jason was getting sick and tired of Sam dangling the truth over him and Elizabeth concerns over Sam's sick-behavior towards the whole thing was just getting to be too much: "I know things about Sam that wold make Jason drop her." Elizabeth told Emily with a shaky voice. It was pretty scary to hear Elizabeth say what Sam did:"Sam saw those guys kidnap Jake and did nothing about it!" With everything that was going on, Emily was trying to be supportive:"everything is going to be okay the, the sun will be up, Nikolas will be diagnosed, and you will be my maid of honor." Kate, Sonny's love interest, said it best: " it's not everyday you are in a castle with a killer running around." Kate always liked sonny. Kate and sonny go back, but sonny will always care for Carly. You could see that irks her: "Yes, Carly is the mother of your children." Sonny gives her a look : "don't underestimate Carly!"

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